Dream Pod 9

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Invisible Shoe - Review

I was graciously sent a pair of the Invisible Shoes to test out.  In general I think these are a blast to run in. 

Observations for dry warm conditions
  • When running in Invisible Shoes it is like the world has been carpeted with rubber.
  • The shoes give you the ability to run on roads like chip-seal, that you could never run barefoot on.
  • When running in these, you get a sense of freedom, that covered shoes simply don't provide.
  • You will still need to watch your step, because the occasional rock will still hurt if stepped on (I know this from experience).
Observations for wet conditions.
  • I don't think these are the best solution when the weather is rainy and wet. Your foot tends to slip (at least mine do) within the sandal.  I do wonder if the soles were reverse if this might help with the inner traction issue. 
  • Running on morning grass also seems to be a problem if there is a lot of moisture. 
  • I did notice that tightening the rope more than normal helps keep the foot secure during wet conditions.  I will probably have to try this a few more times to see if I can find the optimal lace-up.  
Observations for cold conditions.
    • I don't have any data to go on right now.  It is still quite warm here in Austin, Texas.  Oh yea.

    • Invisible Shoe are a fantastic deal.
    • Definitely get the custom kit.   It is actually quite fun designing your own shoe.  
    • You will most likely need thicker soles if you're going on rough terrain.  
    • Another neat factor is the minimalist look you have when running in these sandals.  Observant people will often stare wondering what the heck you're running in.  
    • Invisible shoes also give you plenty of options on how to lace up the sandals.  If something feels a little weird, you have many other options to choose from.

    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    Barefoot Running

    Here is another great book called Barefoot Running by Michael Sandler.   

    Learn how to transition into barefoot running with step by step instruction on form and technique.

    The book also covers
    • Building balance, strength, endurance
    • Building strong feet, legs, hips, muscles, tendons & joints
    • Developing strong pads on the bottoms of your feet
    • Training routines including cross training
    • How to use shoes as a helpful tool
    • Adjusting to different surfaces & terrain